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Individual Benefits
Let us protect you against unexpected medical expenses.
Retired? Self-employed? Between jobs?
We have coverage to fit your unique situation.

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Planning for the care of yourself or a loved one can seem daunting without the help of a professional.
Health Insurance
As mandated by the Affordable Care Act, most Americans must have a health insurance plan or be subject to penalties. We have agents with the expertise and knowledge to help you through the process of choosing an affordable plan for you and your family.
Life Insurance
If you’re married, have children, have debt, or own your own business, you need life insurance to protect those left behind after your death. Our knowledgeable agents will work to find the best plan for you.
Disability Income
Disability Income insurance is intended to provide a continuing income in the event you become disabled and unable to do your job. Let us help you protect your income.
Long Term Care
Long Term Care insurance provides benefits in the event you or a loved one need assistance. The costs of nursing home care are expensive and in-home care can be difficult for loved ones to maintain. Our agents will be glad to talk with you about your needs and get a quote based on those needs.
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Disability Income
Long Term Care
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